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AKC (American Kennel Club) Companion Dog Sports

Founded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health and training information for all canines and actively advocates for dogs as a family companion, advance canine health and well-being, work to protect the rights of all dog owners and promote responsible dog ownership.

AKC provides dog owners quality education about purebred dogs, the sport of purebred dogs and ongoing importance of the relationships between people and canines.

Obedience Training

Obedience training is a gift for yourself, your household and your dog. Obedience training teaches your canine how to socialize with others – human and dogs, helps correct behaviors and creates a structured happy environment for your canine.

Once your dog is trained, you may want to further your experience and train to compete in AKC Obedience Trials or Specialty Trials.

Rally Training

Although similar to Obedience Training, rally is a fun way to compete while communicating with your canine throughout the trials. In traditional Obedience Trials, dogs are expected to perform with little owner input. Rally allows for owners and canine interaction throughout the trial(s).


Ever wonder why your dog is so nosey? Their keen sense of smell – 100,000 times more than a human, is ideal for the sport of Tracking. This skill is used for search and rescue, and many other aspects of life. Your K9 Trainer teaches owners and their dogs to track for scents, and prepare for AKC Tracking competitions.

Prerequisites for Competing:

At least 6-months of age, physically sound and have an AKC number:

  • AKC registration – as one of the 193 recognized breeds
  • AKC Canine Partners – for mixed breed dogs
  • Purebred Alternative listing (PAL) Program – purebreds that cannot be fully
    registered with AKC
  • Foundation Stock Services (FSS) – recorded breeds on the road to full AKC

Spayed females and neutered males are eligible to participate, but females in season are not.

Dogs that are blind are not eligible.

No dog can compete if it is taped or bandaged or in any way has anything attached to it for medical purposes.

Pricing for AKC:

Prices available upon request.

Contact Trainer for more information.